Monday, 12 October 2009

Healthy lunches to go!

Yesterday we woke up to a cool crisp autumn morning.

The kids of often get themselves up in the mornings and as I was nursing Momo in bed, I could hear Lex in the kitchen, bashing his spoon on the table for breakfast.
When I finally made it into the kitchen he gave me his 'puppy dog' eyes. What a poor deprived toddler he is!

A bowl of homemade cereal and almond milk later, and he was a happy boy again.

My homemade cereal is just bursting with goodness. I add lots of flax seeds, hemp seeds, goji berries, vine fruits and organic wheatfree grains. We often alternate our 'milks' between hemp, almond, brazil nut and cashew nut milks. As Lex likes to say... 'Deeeluscious!'

After breakfast, Ava and Lex were desperate to get outside to play in the fresh piles of orange leaves that litter the countside.

I knew that we would need to take some lunch, so I set about packing something that is portable, yet still ticks all my 'health' boxes.

Here is what I packed for Ava.

Left box clockwise - Orange slices, cherries, green grapes and half a fig.
Right box - Wheat free pasta with homemade tomato and basil sauce.

Lex had a similar but smaller lunch.

Left box - Wheat free pasta with homemade tomato and basil sauce.
Right box - One strawberry, One orange slice and a diced kiwi.

I also tucked a flask of hot soup into my bag, which we were all very eager to enjoy after several hours outside. What a great day!


  1. I would love to start my day with some of your homemade cereal, sounds hearty and delicious. And what a great lunch! You have so many flavors and beautiful colors in there, what lucky kids!

  2. Can we come over for lunch? Elsie has been going on and on..and on and on...about your farm! She's driving me crazy!

  3. What a beautiful vegan family!
